Our products

What we offer

Samantha Taylor


Get timely and trusted information, sourced directly from the funds

Our customisable real-time alerts notify you instantly to new RFPs, tenders, planned future allocations and the wider investment activity matching your search criteria.

We don’t deal in rumours or overstatement; we speak directly to the funds, then give you the information they give us. Our journalists work diligently to uncover unique intelligence on potential allocation changes before they become RFPs.

The database makes it quick and easy to sort through thousands of, actionable, early stage opportunities for you to pursue. Our investor updates can also be fed into your CRM system using our API integration service.

Samantha Taylor

Market Data

Find high-value data fast

A high-value database allowing you to track trends and the latest mandate wins and losses, manager and asset inflows. With this module you can:

  • Track mandate wins and losses.

  • Uncover opportunities via recently terminated mandates from underperforming managers.

  • Discover how money has been moving into different asset classes.

  • View league tables of managers that have won mandates for specific types of investment products.

  • Export data in both PDF & Excel formats.

  • Get insights into managers and their consultant relationships.

The comprehensive search criteria includes country, investor, manager, asset class, consultant and size of mandate. So you can filter, sort, and rank the data to quickly discover this high-value institutional investment intelligence.

Samantha Taylor


Get insider knowledge on critical trends

Go beyond the news and get exclusive insights into future investor activity. MandateWire puts you one step ahead with:

  • A complete overview of institutional asset management activity.

  • In-depth interviews and profiles, giving you a timely insider’s view.

  • Deal analysis, identifying and explaining emerging trends.

  • Research into what’s driving asset allocation, flows, and other important institutional investment trends.

This isn’t recycled information; it’s original, independent analysis conducted by highly-trained financial journalists. Our multi-lingual teams spend time talking with investors, discovering their future plans. You can obtain unique insights into future asset flows and discover where markets are heading and what investors are thinking to gain an invaluable competitive advantage.

Samantha Taylor


Reach decision-makers and influencers

Our comprehensive Investor and Consultant Directories are constantly expanding, regularly updated and available to download in Excel.

Investor Directory

Identify the right investors for your firm's products and strategies by mapping the market for asset owners of a certain type, size, location, or have exposure to a specific manager and/or asset class. Profiles include the ability to:

  • Find key contacts for investors and their consultants.

  • View current managers and consultant relationships.

  • Identify potential opportunities from information on actual and unrealised target asset allocations.

  • Review recent and historical coverage of investment activities carried out by each investor.

Consultant Directory

Identify key investment consultants across each market and their investor relationships to ensure your putting resources into building relationships with the right consultants. You’ll find contact details, reported activities by asset class, investors advised and more.

  • Find key contacts of field consultants and manager research teams.

  • View current investor relationships.

  • Review recent investment activity that the consultant and individual field consultants have advised on.

Samantha Taylor


Perform deep research

MandateWire Documents provides easy access to thousands of documents from institutional investors, consultants and managers.

What’s more, we analyse and bookmark documents to quickly surface the key information that matters to you.

  • Find competitor presentations, fees and performance information.

  • Perform deeper research and due diligence on target opportunities.

  • Save time when searching for key information in lengthy documents.

What you receive from our Intelligence

Things that set us apart

Get timely data

Identify opportunities at the earliest possible point, thanks to our coverage of all stages of the investment cycle. The combination of our daily email round-up, and our customisable real-time alerts ensure you’re first to hear about new searches and sales leads.

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Get unique, hard to reach data

MandateWire’s team of multilingual journalists leverage their strong investor relationships to capture unique intelligence on their investment intentions. MandateWire’s edge, and your advantage, lies in the unique intelligence we source from both public and private sector asset owners – information that’s not available elsewhere.

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Get accurate data

Every piece of information we report comes directly from the funds themselves. Investors talk to us because they trust us – thanks to the FT’s global reputation and MandateWire’s 20+ years of responsible reporting.

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