Keep Track of Your Clients’ Activities

With MandateWire’s Real Time Alerts, keeping on top of your clients’ (or prospects’) latest activities is simple. With real time alerts, you receive email notifications as soon as a report is published matching your search criteria.

Example selecting the Investor CalPERS

Example selecting the Investor CalPERS

Simply go to the Intelligence section of MandateWire and scroll down to the Investor filters on the left hand side. In the ‘Investor’ box, type in the name of a client or prospect and MandateWire will suggest the relevant investors from our database.

Once you have added all of your important clients or prospects to the filter, simply set up a Real Time Alert with a few clicks.

At the top of the page you will see your selected Investors listed and next to this, the ‘Save/Alert’ button. Clicking this button allows you to set up a Real Time Alert. Simply give the alert a name, click the box to receive email alerts and save.

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