Find Key Investor Profiles with the Investor Directory
Investor Directory
The Investor Directory houses information on thousands of Investors, including their general details, fund size, asset allocation, manager roster, associated consultants, previous market activities, and contact information (email, phone, title, LinkedIn) where available.
Using the Investor Directory filters
The Investor filters narrow down the directory by either the investor name, their location, their size, or their type (eg. pension funds vs. endowments).
The consultant filter narrows down the directory to Investors that use a specific consultant, in order that you can understand which consultancies you might need to create relationships with in order to be considered by a particular investor.
Tip: use the phrase 'No Consultant Engaged' in the Consultant field to understand which Investors in a region are not using Consultants and are perhaps likely to be more responsive to a direct approach.
The manager filter narrows down the directory to show which Investors are using a certain manager. This can be used for competitor analysis or might give you an opportunity if you know Investors are looking to move away from a certain manager’s offering.
Tip: use the phrase 'In-house' in the Manager field - to understand which Investors are at least partially managing assets in-house. This helps to filter out less likely prospects.
The Asset Class filter allows you to understand which Investors have current allocations to a certain asset classes. Helping you to understand which Investors are more likely to consider a product that you offer.